Inspired by Pancakes

My marriage is not perfect. In fact, I started this blog over two years ago, because my marriage wasn’t perfect. I was a mess, the marriage was a mess, and I needed an outlet. (Writing, people. My outlet was writing.)

Fast forward to today, and my marriage is solid, not perfect – solid. Rob and I will celebrate our 10th anniversary later this year, and it has taken us nearly 9 years to solidify our marriage.

On Sunday morning, Rob made breakfast for the boys. Rob adhered to the boys’ request, and he made pancakes.

While I was drying my hair, Joe came to me and asked if I wanted a pancake. “No thank you.” I said.

“How come you never want a pancake?” Joe asked.

I smiled. “I don’t know; I just don’t want one.”

“Daddy makes really good pancakes.” Joe says. His facial expression is bright and cheery, and I can tell he really wants me to have a pancake.

“Okay,” I concede. “I”ll have a pancake. Just put it aside, and I’ll come eat it when I am done drying my hair.”

Less than 3 minutes later, Joe returns. “Do you want any maple syrup or honey?”

“No thank you, Sweetie.” I say.

Less than 2 minutes later, Charlie comes in the bathroom. “Mommy!” He says with a huge grin. “Look at my pancake!”

I look down and see a masterpiece. “Oh my gosh, Charlie! That is great!”

“Daddy made it!” He says proudly.

“Daddy rocks!” I say. “Hey Charlie, may I take a picture of that?”

“Sure.” And, he heads down the hall carefully carrying his plate. “Daddy! Mommy is going to take a picture of my pancake.”

I grab the camera, and I walk into the dinning room. When I enter the room, I’m amazed. We all have our own personalized pancake.





I am not the perfect wife, and I did not marry the perfect husband. Rob and I have our moments of stubbornness, our idiosyncrasies, and our miscellaneous annoying habits. In spite of that – all of that – we stand together, committed to our marriage and the vow we made. No one is more grateful for that fact than I. I have put Rob through so much, and I commend him for standing beside me through all of it.

My husband, Rob, Daddy – whatever label you give him – is a wonderful man and a wonderful maker of personalized pancakes. Today, Tuesday February 14th, and every day forthcoming, one thing is for certain:

The End

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74 thoughts on “Inspired by Pancakes

  1. Kudos to you and Rob for your efforts. One thing for sure, it’s not wasted on your children … kids are so aware.

    Happy Valentine’s Day, may it bring you more love and togetherness.

    Blessings – Maxi

      1. That’s all you got? “Ditto”? Gee, you really must be suffering from writer’s block.

        Don’t despair, Darlotta, your muse will find you again soon!

    1. You are the second to say a similar sentiment, MJ, and you are absolutely right. I am glad Joe pushed me a little to par’take in the pancakes. I would have missed that perfect moment. Thank God for kids! 🙂 Happy Valentine’s Day.

  2. I will have to try doing that wiht pancakes this weekend for the kids, they will love it I’m sure.

    Happy Valentine’s Day to you and hubby and Happy Upcoming Anniversary!

    We are hitting our 12th anniversary in April and I can say with complete honesty that we are stronger now when we first started out. Sometimes you have to slog through those tough dark times to see what you’re both made of, and your love and appreciation for each other will be all the more solid.

    1. I knew you had more words in you! Way to bring ’em out! (hahahaha!)
      Please make the pancakes… it makes for a great blog post. (See!! Food is not boring! HA!)
      We are stronger, too. Who knew?! Oh – that’s right – the countless couples before us. (Hee, hee)
      Happy Valentine’s Day, Darla!

  3. You and Rob may not be perfect, but I believe you are perfect for each other. Congratulations on having married such a talented pancake maker, with many other wonderful talents, I’m sure. Happy Valentine’s Day to you both and your precious little boys.

    1. Thank you, Susan. I wish you and yours a Happy Valentine’s Day, too. I think we are perfect for each other… Lord knows any other man would have been long gone by this point. (smile)

    1. He’s the artist in the family, Mags. Thankfully, his artistic talent traveled down to Joe and Charlie, too. Soon, the boys will be making decorated pancakes of their own!

  4. OMG Lenore – this was a real heart-warmer. Esp. today on Valentine’s day – you’ve been tested in your relationship and it looks like you’ve come out the other side. Solid is good! Solid is great!! (-:
    Oh I just melted when I saw how much love that man of yours put in those pancakes. He’s a keeper.

  5. Now I have to try to make a pancake like that. They are DS favorite breakfast item (he asks for them every morning)! Glad to hear your marriage is now on solid ground. I used to pray for your marriage. I hate when people I know get divorced…

    1. Oh my goodness, Melinda! Thank you for your prayers. I am truly touched to know that you prayed for me and Rob. You know, Ursula helped to turn our marriage around, too. Galaxy Bright was a blessing… for certain! Thanks for visiting, reading and commenting!

      1. Oh – I’ve been following. I LOVE to read blogs of people I know. 🙂 Loving the photo 366 too! Today I made John a pancake (actually 4) that spelled his name. He loved it: “Can we have this every day from now on?” Me, “Oh, no these are VERY special only for once in a while.”) Let Rob know he’s an inspiration! (His also turned out better than mine…)

  6. Heartwarming story, though it made me want some pancakes and it’s almost 1am.

    Charlie made out better than Joe, since his name is more than twice as long.

    Sounds like you’ve got a keeper. No marriage is perfect, we all just do the best we can. Keep up the good work.

    1. Sorry for the late night craving, Dude. And you are right – Charlie did make it out way better than Joe. I hope Joe doesn’t need therapy when he gets older for any scaring related to pancake surprises. (smile) Thank you for reading. Here’s to the continue work needed to make marriages solid.

  7. I loved this. Little things like this make a marriage work despite all of those things that could work against it. Plus, your husband has TALENT. I could never do that!

  8. That’s so cool!
    My wife share’s your husbands perfect pancake penmanship…
    (I don’t even know how something like this is possible… I’m proud of myself if I can even figure out which side of a Bisquick container is the business end)!

    1. I am constantly bowing down to his pancake making ability – though typically it just had to do with the flavor of the pancakes. Now, I am bowing due to the art he is creating WITH the pancakes. Craziness! Thanks for stopping by here, SG!

That was my thought on the matter. Your comment?