Announcing the birth of …

First, this is her doing. Second, I am glad she did it. Third, the timing is perfect. Fourth, I wish I could figure out how to turn down the sensitivity.

As I was saying, first, who did this to me? Amiable Amiable. Second, to AA I say,  “Thank you!” Third, The timing of your versatility award comes on the eve I received my new laptop. (Which is also your doing.) Fourth and finally, if someone knows how to adjust the sensitivity of the touch pad on a HP Probook, please advise me.

So, Amiable Amiable, composer of Big Happy Nothing passed me The Versatile Blogger award. I’m honored. I’m grateful. I’m blushing. Yet, my husband still insists I do my share of the laundry.

The Versatile Blogger award comes with responsibility. As a recipient, I am to complete 4 steps. (5 steps, if you count the fact that I still have to do laundry.)

The rules state you are to thank the person who awarded you. (Done.) You are to share 7 random facts about yourself. (Pending.) You are to pass the award on to 15 new-found blogging buddies. (Pending.) Finally, you are to contact those new-found buddies and congratulate them. (In progress.)

What random facts about me will I share? This is a challenge, since I’ve been blogging for over a year, and I’ve shared nothing but random facts. So, in an effort to abide by the rules, I’m incorporating random facts with shout outs to my new-found blogging buddies.

1. I wish random facts about me included being a math wizard. It doesn’t, and I’m not. Fortunately, I’m not the only math challenged blogger in the world. Havocandshine is not mathy, either. I enjoyed her posts prior to When were you going to tell me this????; but after that post, I was hooked for life.

2. Another arbitrary fact I’d like to claim – but cannot – is my insane ability to create posts like hipster crayola crayon colors, frolicking with frenemies, competing for Private Sparkle and other random acts of Japecake. He makes this stuff look easy. I asked him to stop. He’s not listening.

3. I’ve always wanted to have a farm. If I was unable to have a farm, I wanted a large enough yard to have a variety of small farm animals. Alas, to date, I only have dogs. If my sons and I get our way, we’ll get chickens at some point. In the meantime, I am living vicariously through Angel and her Life of a Self-Professed Rocket Surgeon. She is in the midst of raising chickens, and I am in the midst of being envious. (The fact that she loves Cynthia Rylant’s book ‘The Relatives Came’ is a bonus!)

4. Another random fact I am unable to claim but admire from afar is the practicality of The Good Greatsby. Of course, by practicality I mean practical; and by practical I mean practical jokes. He shares tales of taking practical jokes too far, only to follow that post with one about pointing the finger of blame. So typical.

5. I am a photographer. Okay, fine. I am not a photographer, but I play one on television. Fine, fine. I’m not on television, either. Would you believe I am a photographer because I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express or a La Quinta? No, eh? Well, you are correct. I am not a photographer, but I love taking pictures. I also love visiting Uprooted Magnolia’s blog, because she is a photographer living in the picturesque state of Wyoming. Wait, is the state of Wyoming picturesque or is Uprooted Magnolia just one heckuva good photographer? You be the judge.

6. Fast fact: My favorite flower is the sunflower. When I noticed a blogger by the name of Sunflower Girl was Freshly Pressed, I had to click and read her post. The blogging name caught my eye, but her writings got me to subscribe. I enjoyed her recent post, Bedtime Stories; I enjoyed the post even more when she followed it up with Bedtime Stories 2.

7. My final random fact is simply this: I washed and dried a load of laundry and placed it neatly sorted on our bed. Having received The Versatile Blogger award, I believe I am entitled to leave the laundry on the bed for my husband to put away. Yeah, I know. Good luck with that.

Like Amiable Amiable, many of those I follow and enjoy have already been tagged either by AA or Herding Cats in Hammond River, like 36×37 and Mostly Bright Ideas. However, I also follow and enjoy the writings of She’s a Maineiac, This Woman’s Musings, Notes from a Rumbly Cottage, Emjayandthem, Julie True, New Mind Snack, Pages from my Crazy Life and Broadside.

Oh, and before I forget. As I mentioned earlier, it is fitting that Amiable Amiable tagged me for the award late yesterday. My post today, in response to the award, was created on my brand new HP ProBook laptop (complete with a super sensitive touch pad). Furthermore, because Amiable Amiable made me buy the laptop, I decided to name my new toy after her. Welcome to the world, AmiaAmia. May you create perfectly edited and wonderfully entertaining posts. No pressure.

AmiaAmia in all her glory. May she live long and write well.

4 thoughts on “Announcing the birth of …

  1. Congrats on your award, Lenore! Thanks for the shoutout!

    If I left laundry on the bed, it would just be moved somewhere else (not where it belonged!)…sigh…


That was my thought on the matter. Your comment?