The Babbler

If you’ve read a few of my posts, you may already know more about me than you’d like. If you haven’t read any of my posts, go take a look; you’ll learn more about me than you’d like.

I’ve been making my friends and family laugh for years. (Truth be told, I think they have laughed more at me than with me.) Blogging enables me to share my crazy nature and views with countless others. (Thank you, and you’re welcome.)

I write from the heart and off the cuff. My writings are based on the life I live with my husband, two boys, two dogs and friends and family. I love writing (always have), and I sincerely appreciate you taking the time to read my blog.

Be warned, I often mention my love of ice cream, doughnuts, turtlenecks and socks worn with sandals. If those subjects bother or annoy you, feel free to spend your reading time elsewhere.

The above picture of me was taken when I was around 6 or 7. That is a pumpkin I grew in my Dad’s garden, which was located in our front yard. I love that picture, and I try to keep that smiling kid alive and thriving.


27 thoughts on “The Babbler

    1. Thank you, Wendy! No wonder I liked your writing style, eh? Please pardon my missteps of grammar and punctuation along the way. I’m a work in progress. So glad to have found you. Thanks again for stopping by my place of babble.

      1. The really crazy thing is the minute I subscribed to your blog, I went back to my e-mail and found that you had subscribed to mine! We had to have been doing the same thing at the same time…are you a Cancer by any chance?


  1. Crap! I’m a lousy team player. *sigh.* Thank you for facing your “not mathiness.” It is a move toward acceptance. Am so excited for your Adventure Girl! When we lived in Charlottesville, my husband wrote stories (a “real” writer–newspaper man) about the thru hikers. Oh…to be young again!

    I will make an effort to read around more. But then, I didn’t give up FB or Twitter. But then, I’m way too unclever for Twitter. Need

    Really enjoying your stuff! You can come swim in our pool–oh…well, when it leaves the carport and moves into the backyard on a perfectly level and rockless base. People here are asking about their swim trunks…like that will help. HA! –L

    1. Better late to the party, than to have missed the party entirely, right? Glad you came ’round. It’s good to see you. Your comments made me laugh. I love the fact that your husband [wait. let me compose myself on my envy of his real writerness] wrote stories about thru-hikers. She’s in Damascus, VA today. That young whipper snapper is making some serious time. Like you said, Oh to be young again.
      Anxiously awaiting the completion of the pool – along with those roaming your yard in their swim trunks.

      1. Lol, indeed she is making good time, but Virginia is one hell of a long state, even by car (which I have done exactly once and will not do again). Fuzzy found a massive kingsnake in the backyard today. Massive by my account…18 inches in reality. The math thing is *such* a pain in the ass.
        Will begin to consider the distinct possibility that we may be perfectly capeable and able to think about getting the stuff together to assemble the pool in the upcoming weeks. Oh god, swimsuits and snakes are not a good combination! Um… I should go…


    1. Charles, you’ve made my day. No longer is today a day where I am left sore from mowing the weeds in our yard, instead I am basking in the glory of vagueness.
      As a never ending babbler of gobbly-gook, dare I say I am a perfect fit for a ‘perfectly obscure’ and ‘fascinatingly bland’ award.
      During my college years, a male friend of mine once told me I was homely. He tried to back pedal and spin it into something positive with his comment, “You remind me of Jane Curtain.” *sigh* My point? I have visions of Dan Aykyrod turning towards me – er – Jane and saying, “Jane, you’re pleasantly obscure and fascinatingly bland.” That vision puts a big grin on my face. I’m honored you noticed. Thank you!

  2. (whispering) btw, the first time my husband saw one of my pieces, he went a teensy bit pale and handed it back and told me it was perfect. heehee. To be fair, though, he totally kicks my ass in identifying direct objects and indirect objects. Don’t tell him I said so. –L

    1. L, you need to go easy on your descriptions. Your reference to ‘direct objects’ and ‘indirect objects’ immediately caused me to sweat nervously. I was visualizing angles, lines, triangles and the dissection of lines, angels and triangles.
      Then I realized you were speaking “Grammar”. Ah, Grammar. Another thing that makes me break out into a sweat. Alas, I am not afraid of grammar enough to stop writing. Learn by doing, right? (Thanks for subscribing!!)
      Oh – we have King snakes around here, too. I admit, I’m a snake lover. Honest.

  3. Every time I receive notice of a new subsciber I feel like I’ve won the lottery! I’m so glad you found my blog because now I get to enjoy yours. I am also an ice cream connoiseur…Baskin Robbins Peanut Butter & Chocolate and World Class Chocolate are my all-time favorites. Happy Mother’s Day.

    1. Happy Mother’s Day to you, too. Ben & Jerry’s Phish Food is the flavor I consume the most. I look forward to reading more of your posts, and I hope you enjoy mine!

  4. So glad to be part of your club. Can’t wait to read more. Totally intrigued just by your strep-riddled children. And thanks for stopping by my joint as well!!!!!


  5. I miss you L2–there I said it. Out and proud. yeah. Hell yeah. Oh wait…sorry…got confused.

    Whenever I call you Lennie, I feel like Squiggy. And it sort of works for me, but I’m not sold on it yet. Just keeping you posted. I like to do that whenever I change someone’s name w/o consulting them first. Just going the extra mile, you know me.

    1. Mwah! I like that you miss me, because it means you visit my blog. It isn’t always about YOU, L1. (giggle giggle snort.)
      Hugs my friend. Lots o’hugs! L2

  6. That’s a great picture and a great smile! If we can all remember to do that just once a day, if not for a lifetime. 🙂

    1. Welcome to the neighborhood, CC! Thanks for coming over for a visit. Keeping that smiling kid alive isn’t always easy, but the picture helps. I loved that pumpkin. 🙂

  7. I’m so offended by socks and sandals since I sported them most of my years in college. (Thank you Birkenstock company.) I think we’ll have to agree to disagree on this. Add to religion and politics, “socks and sandals” — topics never to discuss at the dinner table.

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